5 Ways You Can Boost Employee Engagement
Engaged employees are happy and productive because they are enthusiastic about their work and committed to the success of your small business. People who are actively involved in their company are absent less often and more productive, so you’ll experience higher profitability and lower staff turnover.
According to Gallup, only 34 percent of the workforce in the United States are engaged. They become more involved when they feel supported by their employer and when they believe that their work is actively contributing to the company’s overall goals. Keep reading to learn five ways you can prioritize your employees and boost engagement.
1. Host parties to celebrate your team
Throwing the occasional party can make them feel like they’re one of your top priorities. You don’t have to spend a lot of money on these events. For example, you might hold a costume contest for Halloween or host a potluck Thanksgiving lunch before the office closes for the holiday. You might also plan a larger event once a year, such as an annual summer cookout, to celebrate your employees and the company’s achievements during the year. Consider inviting your staff’s spouses or families to thank them for the support they offer your team.
2. Hold lunch and learns to teach your workers something new
Allow your team to learn something new while they have lunch. They might learn more about industry trends or about what projects their coworkers are working on. Ask a different staff member to host each lunch to share what they’ve been focusing on or talk about a new skill they’ve been developing. Your workers will learn more about their colleagues’ work, celebrate their successes, and help brainstorm ways to improve the company.
Read also: 7 Tips for Developing a Culture of Learning
3. Take a break from work with a friendly competition
To prevent your workers from getting burnt out, take their mind off work for an hour or two by setting up a ping-pong or cornhole tournament or by planning a few team building activities. If you don’t want to stop working entirely, you can organize a chili bake-off or create a fantasy football league.
4. Volunteer together
Find out what nonprofit organizations your team members donate to and work with, then schedule a day during the workweek to volunteer at one of those charities as a group. You’ll show your employees that you care about their passions, and you’ll build a positive reputation in your community.
5. Provide employee development opportunities
Encourage your staff to continue learning and developing the skills they need to do their jobs well. Talk to each team member and ask them how they see their career advancing over the next few years, then create a plan to help them achieve their goals. By prioritizing development, you’ll show your workers that you value them and want to help them live up to their full potential.
Read also: 6 Ways to Show Your Employees You Have Their Back